Published Works


Flash Fiction Magazine

It’s been two years since Salvador lost his wife, Alia. On their anniversary, while half-asleep, he sends her a text. When his phone chimes in response, he discovers that some boundaries are less permanent than we think.

Read for free on the Flash Fiction Magazine website.

Bob’s Emporium of Wonders

All World’s Wayfarer Issue V

Meghan LeBlanc loves her husband. Her mother-in-law? Not so much. In spite of Meghan’s best attempts to impress her, nothing ever seems to go as planned. When all else fails, Meghan pays a visit to Bob’s Emporium of Wonders in search of a more magical solution.

Available on Amazon.

Of Mud, Of Water

Through Other Eyes: 30 short stories to bring you beyond the realm of human experience

Lily is made of water. Her husband and son are made of mud. After an unexpected downpour, Lily must uncover the truth behind her magic if she hopes to save her child’s life–and her marriage.

Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo.

Right Behind You

Metaphorosis Magazine

After a nuclear meltdown threatens to poison the West Coast of the United States, Carlos and thousands of other migrant workers risk their lives to contain the disaster. When the suit Carlos wears to protect himself begins to fail, he discovers that humans are far more dangerous than radiation.

Read for free on the Metaphorosis Magazine website.

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